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"Film program speaks up on new travel policies"
This article is my favorite piece that I've written throughout high school because it highlights the passion and hard work of the students and their adviser. This story captures the genuine and raw emotions against the new travel policies as well as the students continuing to overcome challenges in order to have a successful year. This story was trending at #9 with over 160 views on our site.
*This piece won a national Best of SNO award*
Published– Oct. 11, 2024
Feature writing was the first form of writing I learned in my freshman year of high school. I remember walking into my first year of newspaper boot camp and being surrounded by all these senior editors who, at the time, I saw as intimidating, but that feeling quickly went away when they welcomed me with open arms and gave me my first assignment – a feature on one of the librarians at one of our districts elementary schools. Since then, I ventured out to interview staff members at Prosper High School in every department, whether that was math, science, or history. I became more confident in reaching out to our administration, like our associate principal – Paige Trujillo, and members in my community, like the Mayor of Prosper – David Bristol. Not only have I shared stories from them, but a majority of my stories are from the students I share classes with, watch at football games, and more.

Published – May 17, 2024
"Beyond The verse"
This article is my favorite piece that I've written throughout high school because it highlights the passion and hard work of the students and their advisers. This story captures the genuine and raw emotions against the new travel policies as well as the students continuing to overcome challenges in order to have a successful year. This story was trending at #9 with over 160 views on our site.
*This piece won a national Best of SNO award*
"2 educators’ experiences lead to creating podcast"
Although this was one of my first publications on the newspaper, I consider it to be one of the most impactful and ---- i've written. I did the interview alongside one of my teammates who was also a freshman at the time. My favorite part about writing this feature was getting to know more about both of these teachers and their experiences that led to the creation of the podcast.
*This piece won a national Best of SNO award*
Published – Jan. 11, 2022

Profile: News director provides insight on Israeli-Palestinian conflict
This profile was challenging to write, but its one of the pieces i'm most proud of. I had to make sure to present his story in the best way, while still keeping it a little more on the neutral side for all the readers and to minimize controversy on the topic. I enjoyed learning more about Erick Stakelbeck and his experience as a news reporter. It definitely gave me a glimpse of what his job is like, and his passion behind journalism.
Published – April 24, 2024
Published – Aug. 24, 2023