Broadcast Journalism
Broadcast journalism has brought me some of the best stories and experiences, but it is definitely one of the more challenging and time-consuming projects I've done. I loved that I got to try video and podcasting, which has grown to be one of my favorite things to do, and I hope to continue sharing more stories through podcasting before I graduate.
Video Packages
‘The Voice of Prosper’ brings life to stadium
From being a high school DJ to helping students globally, Manto shares joy for announcing
Click here to view the full story on our website.
This was my first-ever video package. It was definitely a challenge because I had to run up to the press box from the visitors' side after performing the halftime show as a drill team member. We were playing our 'cross-town rivals' – Rock Hill High School and at that time, I remember we were away, so going to the other side and finding the press box as quickly as possible was important so I wouldn't let down the drill team and the newspaper. I had a lot of fun interviewing Eric Manto, and the adrenaline that came with getting to do this at a football game made it one of my favorite high school experiences as well. I'm so glad I got to push myself out of my comfort zone. Along with the video package I wrote a full feature for the newspaper.
Prosper builds up the competition
Students come to Walnut Grove High School, expand knowledge about academic events
For this package, I work alongside Erica Deutsch to do all of the reporting and getting the B-roll. We got to listen to a lot of UIL workshops and talk to students who attended the event to see what they were most looking forward to getting out of the event. Erica completed the writing and reporting in the video, and I helped her with recording the interviews, B-Roll, and the behind-the-scenes editing and compiling the materials needed to make the package. I really enjoyed getting to work alongside my teammate, and I want to do more things like this soon.
Click here to view the full story on our website.
It took me a while to get into podcasting because, in the beginning, it felt overwhelming to make sure everything was perfect from the recording to the editing. I quickly realized it was okay for it to not be completely perfect, and after the first few episodes, I knew I wanted to continue podcasting and grow as a journalist. I started my first podcast my sophomore year with my teammate – Erica Deutsch. Through our podcast we discuss mental health topics from friendships, self care to opening up about our own struggles.
Podcast: All In My Mind – Bullying
Hosts discuss stories of bullying with counselor

In this episode, sophomores Sofia Ayala and Erica Deutsch share real stories about victims of bullying. They also interview the student support counselor, Stephanie Clayton, and junior Lauren Clayton to receive insight on this topic and provide hope for those who are currently experiencing bullying and those who have been bullied. “We hope to provide helpful information to bring more awareness to this topic,” Ayala said. “We are excited to start this new series to bring awareness on mental health topics.”
Click here to view the full episode on our website.
Podcast: All in My Mind – ‘Grades don’t define you’
Hosts remind students of meaning of success
In this episode, juniors Sofia Ayala and Erica Deutsch discuss the stigma behind receiving bad grades and how failure is a good thing that can lead to success. This was our second episode for our mental health podcast. Before we record, we meet up a week before to plan what we want to talk about in the episode, and map our the points we will be discussing.
Click here to view the full episode on our website.

Podcast: All In My Mind – Friendship
Hosts give perspectives on building relationships

Mid-conversation, seniors Sofia Ayala and Erica Deutsch discuss friendship for their third podcast episode of “All in My Mind.” “We hope to give people some clarity and share some of our perspectives when it comes to making friends,” Deutsch said. “It’s not always easy making new friends and building new friendships, but once you find those friends, you’ll never want to lose them.”
In the third episode of their podcast, “All in My Mind,” seniors Sofia Ayala and Erica Deutsch discuss finding lasting and supportive friendships and staying true to yourself in the process of finding friends. Through their podcast, they hope to bring awareness and leave a positive impact by discussing topics related to mental health. This is definitely one of my favorite episodes in our podcast, and I enjoyed our conversation. I felt like it flowed more, and it sounds more natural than some of the other episodes we've done.
Click here to view the full episode on our website.
Interviews & Behind the scenes
I believe that it's important to get all types of content during interviews, not only an audio recording or a few notes. Getting photos with many anggles, video clips, and more is important because it all adds to the story. Here is a few of the videos I've taken during interviews to enhance the story and the interview process.
2 educators’ experiences lead to creating podcast
In this behind-the-scenes look at their Eagle Nation Online interview, Rod McCall and Bryce Runge talk about how their podcast started and their inspiration for it. I'm glad that I used video and audio for this interview because I got a lot of perspectives, and content that would enhance my story. Even though it can seem like 'too much work' I think taking the extra step every time is worth the outcome in order to achieve quality work.
Click here to view the full story on our website.
Podcast: All in My Mind – Friendship
Click here to view the full episode on our website.
While we were recording our podcast, we thought it would be a good idea to also have another camera going so we can add more to the story, and make it more entertaining for our readers. Not only does it make the story better, but I like looking back at the behind the scenes, and seeing how unique each of them are.
‘Dream team’ comes together through school spirit
Click here to view the full episode on our website.
I got this behind the scenes video for Erica Deutsch's article. She did all of the reporting, writing, and interviewing, but I wanted to help her add more to the story by incorporating this moment when the spirit leaders are walking down the hallway for a send off.
Interview with Simone Mishuris, Ballroom Dancer
This is one of my recent interviews, I loved getting to know Simone's story, and learning why she fell in love with ballroom dancing. I think the video definitely added more to the story, and i'm excited for the final product.